In all of human history, one name, one man, has risen to the top of every list of individual personalities – Jesus Christ. Because of His influence, the life and teachings of Jesus Christ have been more closely scrutinized than any other life in history.¹

Everything and everyone pivot to His direction if they realize it or not. Our creation, our existence, and our eternal abode are entirely dependent upon the benevolence, knowledge, and willingness of our Savior. There is no way around it, Christ is the one our lives depend on. Without Him, there is no reasonable explanation for the human species.

It has been said that “we discover our identity and purpose through a relationship with Jesus Christ.”² It is through Jesus we begin to understand as a child what it means to love, obey, and submit. It is through Jesus as an adult that we learn how to sacrifice, commit, and fulfill. It is through Jesus that we learn what it means to truly live righteously and die victoriously. It is through Jesus we learn what the Will of God looks like, sounds like, and behaves like. It is through Jesus that we learn who we are supposed to be, and we learn who God is.

I hope, through these series of lessons, that we learn more deeply who Christ truly is. It is my prayer that we grow to appreciate more His existence, His power, His wisdom, and His ability. It is my hope that all of us with great enthusiasm will say, “He is the Christ, the Son of the Living God,” (i.e. Matthew 16:16) as Peter did so many years ago when the world asks us “Who do you say Jesus is?” These lessons are meant to stir in you a greater appreciation for the entirety of Christ’s life, His purpose, and His existence. If you know who He truly is, then you’ll know the most important thing this world has ever seen; you’ll know Immanuel and see what it means to have “God with us.”


¹ Kyle Butt and Eric Lyons, Behold the Lamb, (Montgomery, AL: Apologetics Press, Inc., 2006), 1.

² Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life, (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2002), 20. 

All Scripture is taken from the New King James Version. Copyright (c) 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by Permission. All rights reserved.